Eseye Recognised in the 2018 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Managed M2M Services, Worldwide


IoT Hardware and Connectivity Specialists


We are delighted to announce our inclusion in the new “Gartner Magic Quadrant for Managed M2M Services, Worldwide”, authored by Pablo Arriandiaga, Eric Goodness, et al. This is the third consecutive year Eseye has been positioned by analysts in the report and we are one of only three privately held companies listed.

In this year’s magic Quadrant for Managed M2M Services, Worldwide Gartner analysts predict that ‘By 2023, 10% of managed machine-to-machine (M2M) connectivity will be provided through hyperscale cloud providers, up from less than 1% in 2018’. Eseye’s strategy is to become the cellular IoT market leader by focusing on cloud provider integration, underpinned by our unique multi-IMSI technology and patents.

Nick Earle, CEO said “We view this Gartner insight as particularly timely. Our strategy has been to establish ourselves as the most customer-friendly and technologically advanced cellular provider for AWS IoT. This plan was built on our belief that hyper scale cloud providers would grow their market position significantly. The prediction of growth, in what is already a fast-moving market, is strongly aligned with our technology strategy and service offering. It is a great indicator of Eseye’s future potential”.

In a rapidly IoT developing market, which involves the design and remote deployment of some expensive and complex tech across a regionally fragmented cellular landscape, Eseye is also well-positioned to serve customers in the global marketplace.

Earle continued “Optimised global service delivery, in line with a brand’s service offering and business objectives, can be a real headache for companies seeking to benefit from the highly valuable data cellular IoT brings. The strength of Eseye’s AnyNet Secure cellular solution lies in our unique ability to both simplify and deliver more network connectivity, in more places, more of the time. The multi-IMSI technology pre-empts eUICC regulated connectivity and allows organisations to deploy almost anywhere in the world, switching across multiple networks. The result is a powerful solution that enables near 100% connectivity uptime, and which will continue to improve our customers’ performance and their return on investment throughout 2019, and beyond.”