Eseye and MikroElektronika launch latest IoT Product


IoT Hardware and Connectivity Specialists


AnyNet 3G-AA click launches in US to enable developers to realise the potential economic, social and health impact of M2M IoT.

Eseye, a leading global cellular internet connectivity provider for the Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and MikroElektronika, a producer and retailer of hardware and software tools for developing embedded systems, have today announced the launch of their latest product for IoT developers innovating in the US.

The AnyNet 3G-AA click adds to the family of 2G and 3G EU clickers. It is designed to reduce the time, risk and cost associated with prototyping standalone IoT projects at the earliest stages of exploration and testing. The cellular for Amazon Web Services (AWS) gateway device also ensures developers immediately have a simple global cloud solution that delivers affordable and scalable data ingest onto AWS Cloud.

The AnyNet 3G-AA click provides a secure connection with AWS, over the air (OTA) in the US. It also has the potential to offer worldwide coverage through the embedded Eseye AnyNet Secure, multi-operator, global SIM card. Developers innovating in IoT can also quickly access new AWS management services such as AWS Device Defender and AWS Device Manager.

The board is supplied with free activation through AWS and six-month Eseye AnyNet Secure cellular connectivity services of up to 5,000 messages on AWS Cloud.

Paul Marshall, Chief Customer Officer from Eseye, comments, “The launch of the AnyNet 3G-AA click and our continued partnership with MikroElektronika, is giving developers throughout the world the freedom to rapidly build IoT devices. This move is another pivotal step in our continued mission to provide the simplest way to deploy and scale global IoT today.”

“In the world of rapid prototyping and IoT solutions Click boards are perfect tools to start with. Our latest AnyNet 3G-AA click board combines 3G connectivity and Eseye’s AnyNet Secure connection, allowing you to step in into the IoT world and work with AWS Cloud solution.” said Aleksandar Mitrovic, Click boards™ Product Marketing Manager at MikroElektronika.

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About MikroElektronika

MikroElektronika’s extensive range of sophisticated, powerful, beautifully designed and most importantly – easy to use product range includes: development boards, compilers, accessory boards, additional software and books for all major microcontroller architectures. Flagship hardware product lines are Click boards™, Easy boards, mikromediia boards. Click boards™ conform to mikroBUS™ – a socket standard conceived by MikroElektronika and later endorsed by NXP Semiconductors and Microchip Technology, among others. MikroElektronika is also known for Hexiwear, an Internet of Things development kit developed in partnership with NXP Semiconductors.