Harness the power of multiple RATs such as Cellular, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Thread, and LoRaWAN, to make sure your device uses the most optimal connectivity, when you need it.
Optimal flexibility & resiliency
Adapt to technology changes and bolster resilience as your deployment scales with multi-RAT connectivity for your IoT devices.
Agnostic technology
Set and forget connectivity. No matter what technology delivers it, enjoy a high-performing, secure, and reliable connection.
Future-Proof your Deployment
The rise of multi-RAT IoT connectivity
Demand for multi-RAT connectivity is increasing. Today your IoT device might connect using cellular and Wi-Fi, but fast forward 10-15 years and you may want to take advantage of low-cost Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) satellites or emerging low-frequency wireless communication protocols. Designing your IoT solution with multi-RAT flexibility gets your device ready for the future.
Plug & play multi-RAT connectivity
Supercharge performance with a multi-RAT IoT Router. Our Hera IoT routers offer 3G, 4G, Ethernet, and Wi-Fi capabilities out of the box, all backed by our award-winning embedded multi-IMSI AnyNet+ eSIM.
With multiple fallback options, and connectivity intelligent powered by AnyNet SMARTconnect™ our Hera IoT routers react swiftly to downtime. Minimise disruption. Maximise uptime.
With IoT, not all RATs are created equal. Data usage, coverage and deployment scale greatly influence your costs and success. To keep service levels in check, you may need to use multiple RATs.
With our Infinity IoT Platform™, you can leverage the strengths of each RAT and keep costs under control.
No more stress over selecting the right RAT for your IoT application. Our AnyNet+ SMARTconnect™ software for multi-RAT IoT devices takes care of it all.
Whether you need cost-effective connectivity or want to optimise battery life, our software customises connectivity to your exact needs.
With modem prices continuing to decline, the cost of putting multiple modems into an IoT device is becoming more economical.
A multi-RAT solution become an attractive way of both increasing flexibility and device and battery performance, while driving lower cost communications.
Global IoT ready.
Introducing the Hera IoT router – giving you out of the box high-speed, secure and reliable multi-RAT connectivity for your global IoT estate.
Some of the world’s biggest companies trust Eseye with their global connectivity. Why? Our track record of delivering reliable results. First time, every time.
Barista Coffee via IoT Vending
Learn why Costa Express selected Eseye to power its estate of smart vending coffee machines in 17+ countries.
M-KOPA combines mobile payments and Eseye's IoT connectivity to enable people in remote parts
of Africa to purchase the products they need, and power them affordably.
Speed up deployment with a free IoT SIM trial and device assessment kit.
Predictable performance is the key to IoT success. Let our experts test your device for free. Receive a free trial IoT SIM trial kit and speed up your IoT deployment with expert insights and seamless connectivity.