eWATERPay IoT Case Study
IoT Innovation Success

Granting Access to 24/7 Clean Water in Africa.

Find out how eWATERPay is changing lives with IoT.

eWATERPay develops sustainable IoT water solution 

A startling 780 million people worldwide do not have access to an improved water source according to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. Water systems are continuously installed but 65 per cent break within the first two years, an issue which adds to the mounting problem in the most remote and disadvantaged communities. 

eWATER is determined to solve the water crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa. By using technology and local operational excellence, it is providing an affordable, accessible, and sustainable solution across Africa. 

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene advisors are all too aware that the traditional model relies too heavily on unreliable water committees to collect user fees and carry out maintenance. 

As a result, often generously donated solar pumps and filtration systems can be left broken for years, particularly in war-torn regions where a charity has withdrawn, and the infrastructure slowly fails to deliver. 

For the world’s poorest people, a sustainable solution must provide easy and affordable payment per use and in-country maintenance of the water supply, while creating local employment opportunities. 

Why eWATERPay chose Eseye

Clean water for everyone

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Water for all

Anyone can present an eWATERPay NFC tag to use a tap. Once it has been read, the valve will open allowing the flow of clean drinking water.

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Reliable technology

eWATERPay’s technology works in most rural areas, even those with poor data connectivity. Everyone can buy credit for water, everytime and everywhere.

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Predictive maintenance

Real-time information on functionality, flow rates and sales can be used to detect when tap faults arise and ensure they’re repaired quickly.

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eWATERPay provides a solution by using mobile technology for the transparent and accountable collection of user fees to ensure sustainable maintenance. To achieve this eWATERPay fully integrates three technologies to manage the provision of clean, low-cost water, which is accessible 24/7: mobile money, IoT, near field communication (NFC).

Its core challenge was achieving a highly available and reliable connectivity solution to scale its water solution to the most rural communities in Africa.  

Harnessing IoT with eWATERPay

Connectivity everywhere

Connectivity is core to eWATERPay’s business model, without it the taps could not operate. With grant support from the GSMA Mobile for Development Utilities Innovation Fund, eWATERPay turned to Eseye to deliver near 100%, highly secure and resilient cellular connectivity.  

eWater how we did it image

From bench to field

eWATERPay leveraged our IoT device design consultancy service to develop a robust IoT solution. Within weeks, we customised our HERA communication node, rapidly developed a prototype, performed a detailed proof of concept, and deployed units for field trials.

eWater pump

Secure payments data

Payments are securely made using an eWATER tag and dispensers communicate seamlessly with eWATER’s payments software, providing real-time payments and water usage data. More than 367,000 people have used eWATER’s taps and dispensed over 1 billion litres of water. 

eWater product

Improving water infrastructure

Developing countries spend over $15 billion a year on water infrastructure. 40 percent of systems typically fail after two years. Intelligent predictive maintenance is solving this problem at the root by ensuring the infrastructure is invested in, maintained, and repaired.  

With 787 taps delivering over 1,261,000 liters of water across Sub-Sahara Africa, we have helped 239,457 people access clean low-cost water.

eWater smiling child

What our customers say

Peer Insights
👍 94% Recommended

We pride ourselves on ensuring we never lose a single revenue transaction. By collecting 100 per cent of water revenue means we help local communities keep their water resources maintained for ever. Eseye and its global IoT network ensures eWaterPAY always sends and receives data when we need it, and at a cost-effective price

Rob Hygate, Co-founder & Head of Innovation


What our customers say

Peer Insights
👍 94% Recommended

In this instance, cellular security and data features enable the essential service and, crucially, open investment routes that lead to more, new, and better opportunities for health and wellbeing. eWATERPay’s exceptional work impacts on the most remote and disadvantaged communities

Paul Marshall, Co-Founder and CCO


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